Thursday, December 11, 2008

Day 4 - first non-aquaphor day!

Well... today I was a bit worried about things. It was supposed to be my first day without the aquaphor moisturizer stuff, and without doing my vinegar soaks. I was scared of doing something wrong, of stopping too early. It's still really red, and there are scabby/crusty patches from where there was some oozing (I did say there would be gore!)

So I called the clinic about 5 times. Each time, the person I talked to said everything sounded fine, and that it was ok to stop the aquaphor and just use the wash and moisturizer they'd provided. So I did. I used the face wash and I put on their moisturizer, but my face felt dry and cake-y all day. I put on some mineral make-up to go out, because they said it would be ok today, and that made it feel a little less dry somehow, but tonight when I took off the makeup and washed my face gently with their cleanser, it just looks raw and scabby. The sheet they gave me said to expect this, but I'm terrified of doing something wrong!!

This one is from earlier in the afternoon:

See how it looks dry and scabby? There's sort of a brown crust on the far right hand side. :(

This one is from five minutes ago when I'd just washed my face for the night:

So I put the aquaphor back on for the night, and we'll see how it goes tomorrow. I've got a check-up appointment with my laser doctor tomorrow afternoon.

1 comment:

Julia said...

From what I know make-up is not recommended between Fraxel sessions and not even after because it's not doing any good to your skin.

When I had my Fraxel Toronto treatment the doctor told me to stop using make-up at least for a while and use only the creams he gave me.
the result of my treatment was great and now I can use any product I want but I'm definitely more careful than before:)